Friday, October 11, 2013

Living Away From My Parents (For 2 Weeks)

Here's a quick list of things I have learned just in the two weeks of living away from my parents:

Every noise will scare the crap out of you (the fridge squeaks whenever I walk by.)

If you forgot to do something, it will still be waiting for you instead of your mom taking care of it behind the scenes.

Hello 3-day unrefrigerated Waldorf Salad!

You will miss your parents, and cry (and apparently cry about 3-day unrefrigerated Waldorf Salad.)

Your parents start to act old really fast ("Look at these nifty reading glasses! I just bought a stylus for my phone! That's not a band saw, Dagwood!")

Your parents' house smells funny now.

The cats you left behind start acting really weird.

"Ph'nglui mglw'nafh Cthulhu R'lyeh wgah'nagl fhtagn!"

Every time you visit your parents, you come back to your new home with groceries (or maybe that's just my parents?)

Laundry, although there is 50% less to wash and fold, will not do these things itself.

Dinner doesn't cook itself either.

There are positives, however:

You get to be a hard-working, responsib-


Moving on...

You get to decorate the living room, kitchen, etc as you see fit.

"This poster will look great in the dining room!"

Your parents' activities won't clash with yours (if your hobby is "sleep" and their hobby is "building a shelf" for example..."

You will truly learn the extent that your parents love you.

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