Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Rehashing What Just Happened

Today is going to be something quick.

Something even published authors make the mistake of is rehashing things that everyone just did. Suppose the hero just slayed the dragon and rescued the princess. Then, the lovable comic relief thief character catches up after finding the dragon's treasure room. The hero then repeats the entire slaying and rescuing via dialogue to the thief, forcing the readers to experience it all over again right after they read it.

You can probably get away with it once. Once. In a single book. Ever. After that you'll start waking up to death threats being delivered to your house via brick-through-the-window (my favorite form of delivery system.)

Now I just gotta attach the party invites...
Instead of repeating what just happened, go with something more generic:

David the Knight told the thief about the dragon.

It's quick, does what is needed, and holds readers back from groaning with boredom.

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