Friday, January 25, 2013

Get Dusted for Free! (A Random Rungis Event)

Rungis, the Latvian God of Harvests is here!
Wait, how do a turn off bold? Let me just- no that's not right. Hang on.
Ahh, there we go.
My name is Rungis. My honored minion, Jennifer, may have already mentioned me before in one of my incarnations. Today she is off getting a book signed or working her new job or something. I have no idea. I'm not omnipotent, I just make the grain grow.
The best grain.
I've been pretty busy since she last mentioned me, and have since learned to use a computer (community colleges actually allow one minor deity per semester to attend a class, can you believe it?) So, when I saw Jennifer was gone, I decided to usurp her blog for my own entertainment.
More than that, I'm going to make Dusted free in honor of myself.
That's right, you too can be part of the super special Random Rungis Event where Dusted will be free for 5 days starting today and ending on Tuesday the 29th!
What are you waiting for? You can find it Here!
Don't have a Kindle? Or even Kindle as an app for your smartphone? That's okay, neither do I. I use Kindle for PC which you can find Here.

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