Saturday, June 20, 2015

When You Use a Word Too Much

Sometimes I read old blog posts of mine.

I was trying to get something smug or egotistical, but you get this because the Internet is weird.
I was reading Writing Yourself Into a Corner when I kept coming across a word. That word was "However." A few times it was okay, but after a while it started to bug me, eventually reaching the point where it was like a slap in the face. Seriously, go to that post press Ctrl + F and type "however" into the search box. I use it eight times, twice in a single paragraph!

I don't know if it's the same for everyone, but occasionally I get stuck using the same word over and over again. I was guilty of using the word "just" all the time when I wrote Dusted. I didn't let it bother me as I wrote, but afterwards I did remove about 2/3rds of them. I either removed them entirely, or else replaced them with a substitute when removing it didn't work.

These days sometimes I can catch myself using a word too often. When that does happen I don't stop using it, instead I go do the bottom of the manuscript and make an Overused Words section, which I also use for entire phrases, and keep writing without worrying I'll miss it when the manuscript is finished.

I don't have my Editing Hat on while I'm trying to wear my Writing Hat.

Don't be this guy.

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