Sunday, July 20, 2014

Oh Look, Social Media!

A couple of days ago I made a Twitter account to help promote my writing. Me and social media get along about as well as oil and water, orange juice and toothpaste, wizards and television. But there are times when I feel like saying something that is far too small for an entire blog post here on Dusted Glen, so I decided to try my hand at Twitter after seeing my brother's Facebook and reeling backwards from it so fast I'm pretty sure I took out a wall in the process.

After setting it up and dodging forced followings like bullets ("I don't even know five people!") I managed to get it up and running.

So sit back, relax, and watch me hilariously go down in flames. Come on, it'll be fun! (and I promise no updates from the toilet.)

Again, here's the link.

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