Friday, February 28, 2014

The Opposite of Writer's Block

You hear plenty about writer's block, but what about when the opposite occurs?

Those times when you spend hours writing furiously. You forget about things like food and showering until something far more immediate manages to tear you away from the keyboard.

I shouldn't have had all that beer and coffee and watermelon!
 Even when you're away, you're still there, trapped in lala-land. You're still writing.

Your usual goal is 1,000 words. Heck, you're glad when you've got 500, it's still a good night.

But now?

Now you're cranking out 1,500 one night, 2,600 the next. Your muse, she's not just inspiring you, she's out having a house party (house = your head) with tons of other people, there are smoke machines everywhere, colored lights, and music that goes thumpa thumpa thumpa thumpa.

Like this, but with more glowsticks.

It's been four, maybe five hours, you want to keep going, you really do, but it's time for bed and you've already stayed up a bit later than usual.

When you wake the next morning the bright light of day is crisp. Your muse is passed out on the lawn, the house is a wreck and, for some reason, there is a goat eating your couch.

Normally I don't condone the myth that goats eat everything but this is a goat that lives inside your head.
You think back to all that work you've done, that feeling of being in the zone, and you smile.

This, my friends, is one of the perks of being a writer.

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